FREE Exclusive Coaching Video
Reveals 3 Key Moves for Healthy
Collagen Production in Your Body

from Top Mobility & Flexibility Coach
for  some of the best NFL, PGA and Other Professional Athletes

Warning: if you’re 25 or older, your body is producing less and less collagen as you age.

But, as a veteran movement coach to some of the best NFL, MLB, NBA and PGA professional athletes, I want to help you experience sensory-rich, healthy movement that contributes to collagen production in every layer under your skin… 

… to gain effortless, full range of motion—and a strong, flexible body.

We have SENSORY WEALTH underneath our skin, in our superficial layers … such as the skin, superficial fascia, and loose fascia … which we abuse and underestimate.

And the deeper we go, the less hydration, quality tissue, and glide we have.
The result? Sticky fascia and less collagen.

**In this FREE video**, I’m going to teach you how to use your body to impact fluids, fibers, and cells in your most sensory-rich organ: fascia.

You’ll realize how this can change the course of your life in less than 5 minutes a day.

I’m going to guide you through easy-to-perform moves that will eliminate not only local but also global discomfort—and improve your performance in whatever activities you pursue on a regular basis.  

These are step-by-step, key techniques and loading patterns to help awaken collagen and support your body’s resilience, so you have more elasticity, energy, less stress, and greater performance. 

In this FREE video, you’ll learn…

-How to improve your fascial pliability, gain tissue hydration and nourishment to promote active recovery for your muscles and connective tissues, with a minimum of effort (so you’re not sore)

-Why the order of your stretching and mobility exercises matters when it comes to restoring your collagen and fascia  

- How to calm the nervous system while supporting fascia glide and circulation within 5 minutes

-How to safely and simply re-energize your connective tissues and bring balance back into your life

-Ways to recover every layer of your body, while elongating and relaxing, from head to toe (especially when you're stressed), for full-body rejuvenation 

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