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Curious About Collagen?

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Curious About Collagen?

If you want: 

  • Physical stability
  • Graceful movement
  • Enhanced mobility
  • Less fatigue, or
  • Less stiffness and pain

The common link is healthy connective tissue and a healthy heart.  

An optimized, quality collagen supplement can help support these systems so that you can lead a life of vitality and beauty, both inside and out.

Why You Should Care About Your Collagen to Stay Energized

Your body can produce collagen on its own, but even if it can, that doesn’t mean it will work best without added support. Whether you don’t always know how to max out your connective tissue health or you’ve suffered an injury that’s turned into a chronic problem, you might want to consider supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen.  

Like the tides keeping tidepools alive with fresh nutrients, after every meal your blood comes in waves that provide nutrients to your tissue. The tide comes in to build collagen and it goes out, taking with it damaged tissue and unwanted materials. 

This is one reason Resync’s Collagen Blend was formulated to support collagen health and heart health. No other formula delivers the collagen peptides in a form your body prefers along with the nitric oxide precursors that support healthy circulation to get those nutrients where they need to go.

It’s good to know that your body can make its own collagen, but aging slows those waves down to a trickle of what they used to be. Our flexibility is replaced with stiffness, we become prone to injury, and we’re more likely to see the symptoms of unrepaired wear and tear. 

In fact, your collagen levels are closely linked with your bone density.  It’s when both start going down in your 40s that you become more prone to bone fractures as well as skin that shows the signs of aging.

Don’t lose your hope though! With a little help from your friends at Resync, you can age with grace and poise!

Nourishing your connective tissues with a healthy diet and effective supplementation can help ensure that those waves can clear out damaged tissues and are delivering a rich source of the best building blocks. 

One recent study has shown that supplementing with 5 grams of collagen per day for a year improves bone density. Many other studies have shown the benefits of using collagen hydrolysate, like the one used in Resync Your Joints, for improving age-related drying and wrinkling of the skin. The science shows that a collagen supplement may help in preventing some of the side-effects of aging. Prevent those injuries and keep your energy up throughout life!

Our ancestors believed that eating a specific part of an animal can help with issues with that same part of our own body.  How you eat is how you feel. How you eat is how you look. 

That principle particularly applies to collagen health, but the benefits extend well beyond just improving joints and tendons.  Your connective tissue does just that: it connects every system of your body. Pay attention to your collagen and see the benefits everywhere else!

Register for a free Resync account to learn about our integrated approach to full-body health, energy and beauty, inside and out, including:

  • How to support your body’s physical stability at any age
  • How healthy collagen tissues help you move with less effort and more grace
  • How to easily enhance your mobility, range of motion, and flexibility
  • How to stop wasting your physical energy and conserve it for what really matters
  • How to improve joint discomfort and stiffness in just a few minutes every day

Why You Should Care About Fascia To Stay Energized

We’ve already covered collagen, the most well-known part of your connective tissue, now let’s dive a little deeper into the importance of “fascia”. 

I know, you may ask, why am I talking about fascia when you came here to enhance your energy? Allow me to explain how the two are deeply correlated. 

I’m not going to bore you about my personal injury, the recovery progress, and my personal growth from it. Suffice it to say, recognizing the inherent importance of fascia had a huge impact on my personal and professional life. The more I learned the more I had to help other people understand it.  

I’ve seen the same story in people of all walks of life: cycling between injury and recovery for years, sometimes people don’t have the tools to get the life they once had back.  Over and over its been made so clear to me that not enough attention gets paid to fascia and collagen in healing and preventing injuries. 

Recover from injuries more effectively and you’ll see the link between fascia health and energy levels. Prevent injuries in the first place and the correlation is made even more clear.

For now, let’s go into what fascia is, why I emphasize it so much, and how giving it the attention it deserves can help you.  You may have heard or read a bit about it, but here’s some solid data that you can use to enhance your performance, energy, and beauty every day. 

What Exactly is Fascia and Why Is It Important?

Fasciae (the plural of “fascia”) are bands or sheets of connective tissue - about 70% of which is made up of collagen - located beneath the skin that attach, stabilize, surround, and separate muscles and organs. 

Essentially, fascia is the connective tissue that connects your connective tissue, and collagen plays a massive role in this. 70% is a huge proportion, wouldn’t you say? Well, that’s how much of your fascia is made of collagen proteins.

In 2012, Robert Schleip and other fascia experts clearly defined what fascia is made up of: collagen, elastin, water, and “ground substance”

Collagen is the glue that holds your fascia together.  The more rich the fascia is with collagen (“collagen density”), the more tensile strength it has, the more stable it is, and the more force it is able to transmit. Remember that maintaining collagen health isn’t a “one and done” deal. Collagen is built over the course of months, so a steady flow of proper nutrition is required to maintain its best function.

Elastin Fibers are found in highly adaptable fascia layers like the skin, blood vessels, and elastic cartilage (think of your ears and the tip of your nose). Elastin fibers are also present in the deep fascia of the bones, muscles, and nerves; in fact, some ligaments like the ligamenta flava that holds your spine together are almost entirely made of elastin fibers. Elastin also takes several months to renew, which makes supporting it a slow and continuous process.  

Water is the second-largest component of your fascia. Most of the water in fascia is bound to collagen, like the fluid absorbed by a sponge. Only some of the water in fascia is free flowing, the rest is incorporated into the very structure of fascia. What a reason to stay hydrated!   

Ground Substance is a gel-like substance that contains some of the building blocks of collagen and connective tissue.  It’s the “in-between” space in the structure of fascia.

To form fascia, these connective tissues are closely packed in bundles of collagen fibers and arranged in a wavy pattern in line with the direction of your muscle's pull. If your fascia is healthy, it looks smooth and nicely organized.  On the other hand, if you are inactive or eat a lot of inflammation-causing foods, it can look tangled, knotted, and truly unattractive. As you can probably guess, the lower the quality of your food and movement, the less healthy your fascia becomes. 


Just because you can’t see it, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of it. Paying attention to what you eat and how you move can pay off in the long run for a part of your body that’s not all-that-obvious. As I’ve said before, nothing in life that matters is depthless!

Why Should You Care about Cartilage To Stay Energized 

Cartilage is a flexible, smooth, and elastic tissue made mostly of collagen. It acts like a rubber padding that covers and protects the ends of bones at the joints. It is a key structural piece of the rib cage, ear, nose, airways, spine, and many other parts of your body. It is not as hard and rigid as bone, but it is much stiffer and much less flexible than muscle. 

Healthy cartilage protects your joints and bones by absorbing the pressure and shock created during normal movement. Osteoarthritis is a result of an imbalance between the inflammation caused by loading joints and your body’s ability to resolve that inflammation.

That’s great, but you might be familiar with the fact that cartilage does not have blood veins to feed it.  How then can nutrition affect your cartilage?

The surface of your cartilage is the most important part when it comes to effortlessly free-moving joints.  This outer layer does receive nutrition from your blood veins: the nutrients aren’t delivered per se, they seep through the empty space between cells.

Think of cooking a pot of noodles in saltwater. There’s no system to get the water into the dry pasta, the water perfuses the cells passively and takes the salt along with it. Leave that pasta out overnight, and it will get dry and crispy (yuk!) but it will stay salty.

In a similar way, the fluid surrounding your joints is full of nutrients they need to be healthy. Like the salt in the pasta water, those nutrients pass through layers of cartilage passively.  If the stream of nutrients changes - if it becomes too high in blood sugar or has arthritis-associated inflammatory molecules - the cartilage soaks that up too.

With this in mind, it’s all the more obvious how important a consistently good diet and lifestyle are. Your cartilage can’t determine what nutrients it takes from the blood, it’s just exposed to whatever passes through.  

How you eat is how you feel. How you eat is how you look. Having healthy, resilient cartilage supports your energy by allowing you to move painlessly and effortlessly, so support your whole body with the nitrates, collagen, and anti-inflammatory anti-oxidant nutrition it craves.

Collagen Connecting The Dots

A good mechanic sees a car issue and looks at all the different ways that car is operating to perpetuate that problem. A mechanic doesn’t tell you to fill up a leaky oil tank more often, they fix the problem and replace the oil tank itself.

In the same way, we at Resync see your body as a set of systems.  Your lungs, your bones, your joints, and your skin are all connected by your circulation and your fascia.  

So, when you have less energy because your joints are painful and stiff, we look to how well your heart is delivering nutrients and the quality of those nutrients delivered to your cartilage.  

If you feel like your movement lacks stability and smoothness, we look to how well your heart is delivering nutrients and the quality of those nutrients delivered to your ligaments.

If you feel like your skin is missing moisture and strength, we look to how well your heart is delivering nutrients and the quality of those nutrients delivered to your epidermis (your layers of skin).

You get the picture.  If the systems that support every other system are out of whack, nothing else can function properly. If something feels off on the surface, it’s a drain on your physical and mental energy. 

Start paying attention to how you nourish your collagen and you’ll see the difference in your total body energy levels.

Bottom Line:

  • Your fascia includes cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and everything that connects your body, especially collagen.
  • Healthy fascia structures provide stability, mobility, ease in movement, and conservation of energy.
  • The health of your collagen and other fasciae depend on what nutrients are available and how they are sent to the tissues that matter.
  • Your fascia can be supported in these two ways by supplementing with hydrolyzed collagen peptides and by giving your circulatory system the nitric oxide precursors it needs for optimal function.

We want to hear from you! 

Comment below with your thoughts and questions and we’ll get back to you in future posts!

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We strive to be your fact-based source for nutrition and supplement information. Unlike other companies that are just trying to sell you their stuff with clickbait and fake news, we make sure there’s research to backup what we say.  Want to learn more about a topic? Click on the red hyperlinked text to be redirected to a scientific article. 

We believe that if you have the right information, you’ll be empowered to make the best decision for yourself. And if you decide that our science-backed products are right for you, then hey, that’s a great perk for both of us!

Works Cited

Abd-Elgaliel WR, Tung C-H. Exploring the Structural Requirements of Collagen-Binding Peptides. Biopolymers 2013; 100(2): 167-173

Castelo-Branco, Camil et al. "Relationship Between Skin Collagen And Bone Changes During Aging". Maturitas, vol 18, no. 3, 1994, pp. 199-206. Elsevier BV, doi:10.1016/0378-5122(94)90126-0. 

König, Daniel et al. "Specific Collagen Peptides Improve Bone Mineral Density And Bone Markers In Postmenopausal Women—A Randomized Controlled Study". Nutrients, vol 10, no. 1, 2018, p. 97. MDPI AG, doi:10.3390/nu10010097. 

Mithieux SM, Weiss AS. Elastin. Adv Protein Chem 2005; 70: 437-461.

Peptan. Whitepaper: Collagen Peptides for Skin Beauty and Hair Health. Rousselot B.V. 2019.

Schleip R, Jager H, Kingler W. What is 'fascia'? A review of different nomenclatures. J Bodyw Mov Ther 2012; 16(4): 496-502.

Vincent TL, Wann AKT. Mechanoadaptation: articular cartilage through thick and thin. J Physiol. 2018 Jun 19. doi: 10.1113/JP275451. 

Wu Q, Yang Q, Sun H. Role of collagen triple helix repeat containing-1 in tumor and inflammatory diseases. J Cancer Res Ther 2017; 13(4): 621-624. 

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