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don't let your diet decrease your  energy in 2022

Dec 27, 2021 Detrick Snyder

Just living life sometimes seemed a challenge in 2021. Balancing health, work, and the constant pulse of the pandemic has gotten everyone’s battery running low by this time of year.

That’s why at Resync, we want to gather up all the resources you need in this guide to live your life energetically and on your terms in 2022.

First, let’s take a look at what you could get rid of from your own fridge to become positively charged everyday. 

Energy-Sapping Foods

The foods that sap your energy most read like a list of most common foods in the American diet.

Start by getting rid of these to start gaining more energy day after day.

  • Processed, pre-packaged foods are high in sugar, salt, fat, and calories, but low in essential nutrients and antioxidants — a recipe for unhealthy weight gain and a suppressed immune system.
  • White carbs and refined grains spike blood sugar and dysregulate your metabolism.
  • Excessive red meat can contribute to painful gout in sensitive people, and an excess is associated with negative effects like type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, particularly when combined with a generally unhealthy American diet.
  • Deep fried foods not only increase damaging oxidative stress in your body (which impairs your immune system and energy levels), but they can also cause irreversible stiffening of your collagen connective tissues, a process called non-enzymatic glycation.
  • Environmental toxins that accumulate in your food and your body. Scientists are only beginning to understand the negative impacts toxins like pesticides and plastics can have long-term.
  • Dietary triggers like dairy, gluten, and types of sugars can activate an immune response in many people.

Besides these unhealthy foods, your lifestyle is the other half of the picture when it comes to having enough energy to rise every day.

Not getting regular exercise decreases your body's resilience in numerous ways. Forget about deep rest and recovery and you’ll be in an even worse state.

Now that we’ve covered what to avoid, let’s get inot what your body needs for vitality and energy.

Energy-Boosting Foods

To think about the foods that can boost your energy, think about the systems that need to be supported to help you generate more energy.

You need:
• A structurally balanced musculoskeletal system that can help you move through life pain free
• A brain that can direct you forward with intention
• Mitochondria that can provide the energy you need everyday
• A healthy heart to oxygenate your tissues and get nutrients to where they need to go
• Antioxidants to address inflammation 

Here is a great list of top 5 superfoods to support each of these functions:

1. Collagen Protein

Collagen protein has emerged in the research to support the health and function of every layer of your body, from your skin to your deep connective tissues. In clinical research studies, collagen is shown to decrease pain, improve mobility, and directly promote recovery of your connective tissues.

The evidence around collagen protein for a healthy functioning body is so strong that we want you to have our 1-hour webinar on collagen to support the health of every layer of your body for free. Check it out here!

2. Healthy Fats

Omega-3’s have gotten recent press for their role in heart health, but they were originally researched for their critical role in brain health. Our brains are literally made of fats!

Because they’re primarily in marine foods like fatty fish and crustaceans, typical diets are too low in omega-3 fatty acids — the anti-inflammatory fats. 

 The protection around each nerve and your brain itself is mostly fat, so get your healthy fats for a healthy mind!

Other healthy poly- and mono-unsaturated fats are excellent choices for heart health as well. Check out Resync’s article on heart healthy fatty acids for heart health here.

3. Nutrients for your Antioxidant & Immune System

Effective anti-inflammatory regulation needs the right antioxidants for the complete system to work. 

Vitamin C is a front-line antioxidant, which is one reason why you need so much of it every day (90 to 120 mg, or even more!). 

Vitamin E works a little higher up the chain — it stops the pro-oxidant signals that get past vitamin C from causing damage to your tissues.

Many consider glutathione to be the master antioxidant, and it's regulation is widely regarded by scientists as a master switch. Cabbage-family vegetables are your best bet for turning that switch on.

To master your glutathione levels, this article is a customer favorite. Let me know what you think in the comments!

4. Mitochondria-boosting Antioxidants

We cover the diet essentials and lifestyle hacks for boosting the energy made by your mitochondria in a previous blog series. You don’t want to miss it!

Some takeaways? 

Sugar and sedentary time sap your energy, but supporting it takes a wealth of nutrients. 

Turmeric, ginger, polyphenols, and a few essential nutrients like B-vitamins and and the right phospholipids are critical for making enough mitochondria, and making them work harder for you. 

Learn more in this two-part series:

5. Plant-based Nitrates for Healthy Blood Flow

Nitric oxide Is the signaling molecule your body uses to open up your blood veins and let nutrients like oxygen flow through. 

Besides being one of the most important molecules for your heart health, nitric oxide actually plays a significant role in a healthy brain, mitochondria, muscles, fascia, connective tissues, digestive function, and especially immune function. 

There is hardly a part of your body that isn't positively affected by getting enough nitric oxide! Good thing the best way to boost it is with a diet high in red and green leafy vegetables! The best plant-based source known is red spinach (AKA amaranth), but you can see our list of the best sources here:


What You Need To Support Collagen Health & Strengthen Every Layer of Your Body 


Collagen Builders, Co-Factors & Regulators For Optimal Connective Tissue Health 



About This Class

This class considers vital nutritional factors that impact every layer of connective tissues health, with a deep dive into the importance of healthy collagen tissues and skin health. Nutrition plays a significant role in maintaining skin elasticity, structure, appearance, and health. This course provides evidence-based nutrition recommendations to optimize your overall skin and connective tissue health.

Energizing Lifestyle

You can try all the dietary tips we have here, but having enough energy depends a lot on your lifestyle too.

Be a mindful eater. If you, like many, find comfort in food, avoid making what you eat an impulsive decision. Fill your meals with community and intention, an often-overlooked aspect of the Mediterranean lifestyle!

Sleeping enough, and sleeping soundly, is vital if you want your body and mind to keep up with your life. It may seem easy to trade off a couple of hours every now and then, but think about what that trade-off does over a lifetime! Nutritionally support your sleep with glycine-rich protein like collagen.

Managing stress and anxiety, and avoiding negativity in your life, helps keep your emotional energy up, and even has an impact on the inflammation in your body too!

In totality, having an energy-boosting diet and lifestyle comes down to saying no to the things that deplete you, and saying yes to those things that nourish you and your body. 

Set your intentions, set your boundaries, and stay true to yourself to authentically gain energy, health, and happiness in the new year!

Oh, I almost forgot. 

Check out Resync’s free recipes here and tell us what you think in the comments!

And lastly, part 2 of Resync’s New Year’s special is coming next: Eating for Immune Health in 2022!

Warm wishes and have a happy new year!

Want the practical details on how to eat and supplement to support your exercise recovery, heart health, beauty, and energy levels? Subscribe to our feed and never miss out!

While other companies push clickbait and fake news, what we say is backed by research. When you have the right information, you are empowered to make the right decision. That’s why we break down complex science into practical takeaways you can use today.

Helping you lead a healthier life,
The Resync Team

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Choi F, et al. "Oral Collagen Supplementation: A Systematic Review of Dermatological Applications." Journal of Drugs in Dermatology, vol. 18, no. 1, Jan 2019, pp. 9-16

Clifford, Tom, et al. “The Effects of Collagen Peptides on Muscle Damage, Inflammation and Bone Turnover Following Exercise: a Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Amino Acids, vol. 51, no. 4, 2019, pp. 691–704., doi:10.1007/s00726-019-02706-5.

Dressler, Patrick, et al. “Improvement of Functional Ankle Properties Following Supplementation with Specific Collagen Peptides in Athletes with Chronic Ankle Instability.” Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, vol. 17, no. 2, May 2018, pp. 298–304.

Lidder, Satnam, and Andrew J. Webb. “Vascular Effects of Dietary Nitrate (as Found in Green Leafy Vegetables and Beetroot) via the Nitrate‐nitrite‐nitric Oxide Pathway.” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 75, no. 3, Mar. 2013, pp. 677–96. PubMed Central, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04420.x.

Praet, Stephan F. E., et al. “Oral Supplementation of Specific Collagen Peptides Combined with Calf-Strengthening Exercises Enhances Function and Reduces Pain in Achilles Tendinopathy Patients.” Nutrients, vol. 11, no. 1, Jan. 2019, p. 76., doi:10.3390/nu11010076.

Senefeld, Jonathon W et al. “Ergogenic Effect of Nitrate Supplementation: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise vol. 52,10 (2020): 2250-2261. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000002363

Zdzieblik, Denise, Steffen Oesser, Albert Gollhofer, et al. “Improvement of Activity-Related Knee Joint Discomfort Following Supplementation of Specific Collagen Peptides.” Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, vol. 42, no. 6, June 2019, pp. 588–95. (Crossref), doi:10.1139/apnm-2016-0390.


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