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Joint Pain And Sweet Tooth: What Can You Do About The Undeniable Link?

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Joint Pain And Sweet Tooth: What Can You Do About The Undeniable Link?


What are you really looking for when you reach for a soft drink? 

Refreshment, a nice break, a quick boost? 

Whatever it is, the feeling 30 minutes later doesn’t line up, does it?  The link between the sugar you eat and inflammation of your connective tissues is undeniable, so I’ve developed a solution for you.

Look at what years of drinking soda and pop can eventually lead to ー cavities, joint pain, weight gain, inflammation, and more ー and you might reconsider what you look for in your refreshment.

Actually, let’s not just reconsider, let’s revolutionize: Enter: Resync Ready to Drink, the newest feature in Resync’s product line. 

Resync RTD is the first-of-its-kind, sparkling heart-healthy energy drink that leaves you feeling ready to go, not ready to nap. 

Now, let’s take a moment to look at what led us here:

  • The undeniable link between your sweet tooth and joint pain
  • Why is soda so bad for you?
  • Is glycation bad for you?
  • Natural products for a healthy heart
  • What makes Resync RTD the best heart healthy drink?

Sweet Tooth And Joint Pain: Connecting The Dots

Soda. Pop. Cola. Or the particularly drab “soft drinks”. No matter what you call it, a regular can of soda has all the features of a performance-diminishing food in my book:

  • As much sugar as the USDA says it’s safe to eat in a day. That limit would be even smaller if the big beverage industry didn’t have such a strong presence
  • Enough caffeine to balance out the inevitable crash of this sugar-delivery device.
  • Phosphorus added so that your stomach doesn’t revolt and vomit all that sugar up.
  • A presence so pervasive that it can be harder to find a drinking fountain than a soda machine.

Add these together and you’ve got a drink that’s sure to sweep the world with sugar-addiction, inflammation, unhealthy weight gain, and poor nutrition.

I think it’s a shame that soft drinks have become so universal. That’s one reason why Resync has developed Resync RTD, a delicious and nutritious soft drink with no added sugar or additives. This actually supports your health, not cancels it.

If you think I’m overreacting to the danger of too much sugar, think again. Eating too much sugar is linked to:

  • High blood sugar, which leads to diabetes
  • High levels of inflammation, which can lead to cancer and accelerated aging
  • Stiffer arteries, veins, and capillaries leading to poor circulation, poor oxygenation, and low energy levels
  • Brittle bones, stiff joints and injury prone tendons
  • Dry skin riddled with acne and wrinkles

The list goes on.  You can learn more in our upcoming cookbook on the science of a healthy diet. Subscribe to our newsletter to get access when it becomes available to our readers.

The “sweet tooth” so dear to some of us leads to other not-so-sweet repercussions, and it definitely does not lead us to sweet health. In reality, sugar leads to lasting physical, emotional, and financial bitterness that can be hard to escape. Let me take you on a tour of what sugar does to your tissues. 

What Does Sugar Do To Your Teeth?

Eating too much sugar acidifies your mouth and provides the fuel for bad bacteria to feed off the proteins on the surface of your teeth. A constant supply of sugar super-charges those bad bacteria into enamel-eating machines, leading to cavities that can literally make your teeth rot. 


Rotting Tooth, Image depicting tooth decay

The sweet satisfaction of a soda isn’t so appealing anymore is it?

Most people know about the dangers of tooth decay (hint: if you have “sensitive teeth”, that’s the first sign of eroding enamel), but you might not recognize that the health of your mouth is the window into the health of your body. 

Your teeth are the canary in the coal mine for your connective tissue.

When it comes to sugar and your connective tissues ー your muscles, bones, tendons, fascia and joints ー high blood sugar binds to your collagen and elastin and locks out their function. This process is called glycation, and those glucose-collagen bonds are called “advanced glycation endproducts”. It’s a little wordy, but AGE’s should strike fear in your heart!

What Does Sugar Do To Your Skin?

When it comes to your skin, AGEs lead to dryness, less elasticity, and impair the skin’s ability to repair itself. Plus, eating sugar increases the levels of sugar and insulin in your blood which can stimulate sebum production and androgen activity, leading to unpleasant acne breakouts (Smith et al.). 

A can of soda should have a warning “this product is known to lead to wrinkles, saggy skin, and accelerated aging. Consume at your own risk.”

What Does Sugar Do To Collagen, Joints, and Tendons?

But let’s go deeper. Collagen cross-linked by sugar is one of the biggest causes of the secondary health problems of diabetes. Collagen in the peripheral blood vessels stiffens with these crosslinks, which means you get a decrease in blood to the feet and the toes.



Those same crosslinks caused by sugar that lead to visibly poorer skin also get in the way of efficient muscle contractions. Crosslinks stiffen up the elastin in your tendons and ligaments, making you more stiff and prone to injury.

This “sugaring” of your collagen hardens arteries, stiffens joints, decreases circulation, and increases your chance of physical injury by reducing lysyl oxidase activity (Aoki et al.; Lien et al.; Khosravi et al.)

No matter which way you look at it, chronic uncontrolled blood sugar leads to stiffer tissues, less functional muscles, and less resilience at every level of your body. 

What does Sugar Do To Bones?

The ill-effects persist all the way down to your bones: AGEs increase your risk for bone fracture regardless of bone mineral density (Yamamoto and Sugimoto).

According to recent research, the overconsumption of sugar has the potential to increase the risk of osteoporosis, too. Too much sugar leads to low calcium, magnesium and vitamin D and dysregulates bone building processes directly. Too much sugar can lead to unhealthy weight gain too, putting excess stress and excess inflammation on your bones and joints.

It’s not just the sugar in your Coke or Dr. Pepper ®, though. Dark-colored sugar-sweetened beverages are very high in phosphorus, which further diminishes bone strength by demineralization.  

 What does soda do to your heart, your immune system, and your entire health?  Diabetes, hypertension, and poor cholesterol, impaired immunity... more and more of the same.

Sugar, in my opinion, is the number one neurological and metabolic insult to your body.

Whether you want to lower your sugar intake down to the USDA recommended “less than 10% of calories” ー ie. 50 grams, 7 teaspoons, or a 16oz coke ー or if you want to really take back your health and get rid of sugar altogether, we have you covered. 

Check out our article on 51 Ways To Sugar-proof Your Health and see if you can get your average yearly intake of 100 pounds of sugars down!

Drinking to Your Heart Health

So what else can you do to support your health? We want to help you eat and drink less sugar by giving you a delicious sparkling alternative that supports your heart, energizes your body, and promotes immune health in a way no other drink ever has. 


Resync RTD is a luscious experience to drink, and an invigorating experience to feel. What makes this a landmark entree in the beverage industry?

  • Natural nitrates extracted from red spinach, red beetroot, and aronia berry open up blood veins, which may allow nutrients and oxygen to get to where they need to while promoting healthy blood pressure levels (check out our study here!). As nitric oxide experts, we’ve got some resources for you later on.
  • Heart health potential of sea buckthorn extract thanks to its wealth of bioactive carotenoids, flavonoids, and vitamins.  Researchers suggest it may be useful for inflammation, thrombosis, and cancer, but ultimately more research needs to be done.
  • Rosehip juice extracts may reduce cholesterol and inflammation, according to one study, and may reduce osteoarthritic pain according to an analysis of rigorous research.
  • Vitamin C provides a fundamental antioxidant to keep your blood geared to fight damaging cholesterol, according to researchers. Check out our article on Vitamin C to learn about the right dose, the right timing, and the right way to take vitamin C to protect your immune system.
  • 235mg of potassium works against sodium by yet another pathway to help support healthy blood pressure levels.
  • Carbonation that pleasantly brings out the natural flavors and settles an overactive stomach.
  • Three types of fiber ー inulin, micronized aronia fiber, and beta glucan ー provide a total of 6 grams dietary fiber. That’s nearly one fourth (24%) of the USDA’s recommended daily intake! 

Dietary fiber is a heart healthy way to lower LDL cholesterol when combined with a healthy lifestyle. If you’re curious about fiber beyond cholesterol, we take a deep dive in this article: Resync Your Gut.

What Makes Resync RTD the Sweetest Value for Your Health?

Resync Ready To Drink has only a single gram of sugar.

With a flavor so rich, you might imagine we added nasty artificial flavors or sketchy ingredients. But you know that Resync stands for what you should demand: quality and transparency. 

Besides tasty natural extracts (which pack an additional antioxidant kick), all we’ve added is a kiss of monk fruit. No fillers. No added sugars. We think Resync RTD tastes great, but we will let you be the judge!

Other “energy drinks” are full of sugar, caffeine, preservatives, colorings, and are not good for the heart.

I never want inflammation and a poor immune system to hold me back, but especially not during a pandemic and upcoming flu season. I don’t think you want that either. 

Grab your health and go forward with your day knowing you’re doing the best thing possible for your heart health and immune system. If you’re wondering “is there an energy drink that is good for you?”, well, we have your answer!

There is no better time than now to ditch the “energy drinks”, say no to the sugar and the additives, and stick with ingredients that are proven to enhance your energy at the cellular level. I’m talking about science-based strategies to save your immune system and improve your mitochondria. 

Let’s be honest: our society is crying out for change. 

The big beverage industry is about to see some dramatic shift. Society is demanding a tasty, hydrating, but also healthy drink and Resync is delivering.

Researchers have known it for years, some clinics like Austin Heart get it as well, but it’s not until now that a sparkling heart healthy drink that harnesses nitric oxide is available. Elevate your health by elevating your nitric oxide with natural nitrates. Ensure your body can take whatever comes at it with Resync RTD!

 Since we’re obsessed with the best, we’ve put together some great resources for you. Check these out:

And if you want to eat to support your nitric oxide, you’ll like this!


With two products: Resync Recovery and Resync Collagen we have your energy, immunity, heart health, and most importantly: your connective tissue health and recovery covered. 

We are already making waves in the supplement industry for an exacting adherence to quality transparency, and science. But now with a sparkling beverage this good, we’re  set to disrupt a multi-billion dollar industry.

We are poised to take back our health one sip at a time. Are you with us?


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Want the practical details on how to eat and supplement to support your exercise, heart health, beauty, and energy? Subscribe to our feed and never miss our best content! If you want more, leave a comment or question below and we’ll get back to you! 

While other companies try to sell you through clickbait and fake news, we back up what we say with hard data. We believe that when you have the right information, you are empowered to make the best decision possible. That’s why we break down complex science into practical takeaways you can use today. 

If there’s something you want to know more about, let us know by contacting us or getting in touch on social media!

Wishing you the best in your health,

The Resync Team



Andersson, U., et al. “Effects of Rose Hip Intake on Risk Markers of Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Cross-over Investigation in Obese Persons.” European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vol. 66, no. 5, 5, Nature Publishing Group, May 2012, pp. 585–90., doi:10.1038/ejcn.2011.203.

Aoki, Chiharu et al. “Advanced glycation end products suppress lysyl oxidase and induce bone collagen degradation in a rat model of renal osteodystrophy.” Laboratory investigation; a journal of technical methods and pathology vol. 93,11 (2013): 1170-83. doi:10.1038/labinvest.2013.105

Christensen, R., et al. “Does the Hip Powder of Rosa Canina (Rosehip) Reduce Pain in Osteoarthritis Patients? – A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.” Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, vol. 16, no. 9, Sept. 2008, pp. 965–72. ScienceDirect, doi:10.1016/j.joca.2008.03.001.

DiNicolantonio, James J et al. “Not Salt But Sugar As Aetiological In Osteoporosis: A Review.” Missouri medicine vol. 115,3 (2018): 247-252.

Khosravi, Roozbeh et al. “Collagen advanced glycation inhibits its Discoidin Domain Receptor 2 (DDR2)-mediated induction of lysyl oxidase in osteoblasts.” Bone vol. 58 (2014): 33-41. doi:10.1016/j.bone.2013.10.001

Lien, Y H et al. “Inhibition of collagen fibril formation in vitro and subsequent cross-linking by glucose.” Science (New York, N.Y.) vol. 225,4669 (1984): 1489-91. doi:10.1126/science.6147899

Moser, Melissa A, and Ock K Chun. “Vitamin C and Heart Health: A Review Based on Findings from Epidemiologic Studies.” International journal of molecular sciences vol. 17,8 1328. 12 Aug. 2016, doi:10.3390/ijms17081328

Xu, Yan-Jun, et al. “Health Benefits of Sea Buckthorn for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases.” Journal of Functional Foods, vol. 3, no. 1, Jan. 2011, pp. 2–12. ScienceDirect, doi:10.1016/j.jff.2011.01.001.

Yamamoto, Masahiro, and Toshitsugu Sugimoto. “Advanced Glycation End Products, Diabetes, and Bone Strength.” Current osteoporosis reports vol. 14,6 (2016): 320-326. doi:10.1007/s11914-016-0332-1


Written by Barbara Depta and registered dietitian, Detrick Snyder, MPH, RDN. Updated on 10/19/2020.


This content is for general informational purposes only, and does not constitute the practice of any professional healthcare service, INCLUDING the giving of medical advice. No provider-patient relationship is formed. The use of this information, and the materials linked to this content is at the user's own risk. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should abide by the advice of their healthcare provider, and should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have.

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