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Brush your tongue for better
gut & heart health

Aug 01, 2022 Barbara Depta

I have a gut feeling you will be surprised by why we suggest brushing your tongue. What comes to mind when you read the title “Brush Your Tongue …?” 

  • Should I stop brushing my teeth and focus on brushing my tongue instead? No, brushing your teeth is essential for your overall health, but so is brushing your tongue. 
  • Will I get rid of a leaky gut or other gastrointestinal issues by brushing my tongue? No, that is not what we are saying. Yet, who knows where the research will take us in the near future? It’s definitely exciting. 
  • Do I support the tongue microbiome by regular cleaning? Yes, that is correct, and by doing so, you also support the good bacteria needed to produce nitric oxide - an essential molecule that decreases with age, stress, inadequate diet, and inactivity. 

In short, keep your mouth, including the tongue clean, and your gut & heart will benefit. Now, let’s elaborate on it a bit more. 

What do the most recent studies show?

Your oral cavity is a very valuable gateway for prebiotic, probiotic, and postbiotic therapy because of the ease of access. In our blog on microbiome & gut health, "What Is The Microbiome & What Foods Support Your Gut Health"  we explain how prebiotics and probiotics create good bacteria, and support gut health.

Yet, science does not say that cleaning your tongue will improve probiotic absorption, for example. Yet, a study from 2019 by Nathan Bryan explains why the early formation of nitric oxide in the mouth by oral bacteria is essential to health, including the management of blood pressure & heart health.

Therefore, another potential benefit is restoring the oral flora by brushing your tongue to support nitric oxide production. If you want to read the entire paper, please check Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 

At Resync, we focus on supporting you with dietary nitrates (red spinach, beets, and Aronia berry), which need to convert in your oral cavity to produce nitric oxide. You can find these reds in different combinations and applications at Resync. 

- Resync Recovery
- Resync Collagen 
- Resync Functional Beverage





Resync Functional Beverage


Keep in mind, even though we are excited about the demonstrating impact of oral hygiene on the composition of the tongue microbiome. It is an entirely new paradigm for nitric oxide biochemistry, physiology, as well as to cardiovascular medicine, and dentistry. And even though we know Nitric oxide has been extensively studied and has well-defined protective functions in the gastrointestinal tract there is still a lot we need to learn about these pathways and how they support each other.

Nathan Bryan said, “ If we are going to make a leap forward in health, we need to take another look at boosting oral health as it relates to nitric oxide production and the role it plays in disease or find safe and effective therapeutic strategies to recapitulate nitric oxide production in the oral cavity…” 

For now, we know that:

  • The American Dental Association recommends regular tongue cleaning based on evidence that cleaning can reduce the severity of bad-smelling breath. 
  • Around 200 million Americans potentially destroy bacterial Nitric Oxide production by using an antiseptic mouthwash. Yes, this once believed good habit seems more harmful than beneficial to your oral cavity. 
  • Flossing, brushing, and drinking Resync can be a perfect combination to keep your body happy. 

It is time we focus on mouth hygiene to support our gut, heart health, and, many would agree, our brain health. 


This content is for general informational purposes only, and does not constitute the practice of any professional healthcare service, INCLUDING the giving of medical advice. No provider-patient relationship is formed. The use of this information, and the materials linked to this content is at the user's own risk. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should abide by the advice of their healthcare provider, and should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have.

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