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Ladies, Let’s Talk Aging And Supplements

  • Barbara Depta
Ladies, Let’s Talk Aging And Supplements

Ladies, Let’s Talk Aging And Supplements

Let’s face it…getting older is a challenge for everyone, and arguably a greater challenge for women than men. In addition to the physical and physiological changes related to aging and altered hormones, women also face the cultural pressure to never age, and in this economy, are often laboring on both home and career fronts.

That said, women are playing and working harder, as they live healthier, more vital lives than ever. We do more and want more…and we need our bodies to feel energized to be able to keep up with us as we get older!

Why Women 40+ Should Choose Superfood Resync?

Ever since Jane Fonda (at the age of 45!) showed all women the importance of fitness in daily life, most of us have incorporated some type of physical activity into our daily routines.

Women today are also much more aware of nutritional values than their mothers were, but may not have the time or money to consistently use the best nutrients, which is why clean, tested, safe supplements are a good alternative. But, you need a supplement brand that invests in its product with research, scientific validity and quality.

So, What About Supplements, Ladies?


They are known to be vital for supporting optimal health, athletic recovery, and performing at your best, by promoting heart health, daily vitality, cardiovascular well-being, muscle and joint recovery and antioxidant support. And ladies, all the above is essential to us now that 40 is the new 30! (And 50 the new 40, and 60 the new 50)

Then how to know that we have replenished the nutrients for our energy levels, which are taxed by physical activity, and even the daily stress we face in life? How, especially as we get older, do we support our heart health, muscles, joints and overall health, so we are not in too tired, sore or in pain to tackle the day when we awake?

The answer to all those questions is RESYNC FOR WOMEN 40+ to support and revive your natural energy. It will assist in supporting circulation and nutrient delivery which, naturally, affects everything in your body, including heart, skin, and connective tissue.

How, do you ask?

Because it is loaded with high-quality superfoods extracts and has been scientifically formulated to deliver a uniquely functional proprietary (patent-pending) blend of ingredients that are Vegan, Non-GMO, contain no artificial sweeteners. And unlike the majority of other supplement brands, RESYNC has received certification from two separate, leading third-party testing labs. It also contains one of the highest levels of natural nitrates (for cardio protection) on the market.

Many Resync users in their 40s, 50s and even 60s (!) report feeling better than they did a decade ago. Specifically referenced were increased energy, cramping relief, and reduced discomfort during or after exercise, walking, or playing sports. In particular, users mentioned being able to participate in a fitness regimen on back-to-back days when they were unable to so before using this product.

Feeling re-energized rather than tired after exercise was attributed to the pureness and highest quality of ingredients, and the overall impressiveness of RESYNC as a health cold drink or tea. In addition, many pro athletes trust the ingredients in RESYNC FOR ATHLETIC RECOVERY formula, so why wouldn’t you?

Barbara Depta

The best illustration of the benefits of RESYNC is company founder and owner, Barbara Depta. A former semi-professional athlete in her native Poland, she emigrated to the US in 2003, and is now a renowned global professional sports training coach, whose clients number numerous pro athletes in national sports leagues the NFL, NHL, NBA, PGA, LPGA and MMA.

Barbara is nearing forty, herself, although she easily looks 15 years younger. Why? Because she knows whereof she speaks when it comes to athletic performance, stretch therapy and supplements to promote health and wellness.

Whether you choose RESYNC to make the most of your physical activity regimen, to enjoy and keep up with the grandkids, or simply to bring more daily vitality to your life, Barbara tells it like it is, saying, “You don’t need to be an athlete to benefit from my product, and you don’t need sugary drinks to keep your energy up as the day wears on. Your body is your temple. Close the gap between tired and ready-to-go, and be a healthier you!”

Always remember that an under-recovered body becomes an injured body so fuel it with the right nutrients to support your daily vitality.

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