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We are a passionate team of health professionals with a huge commitment and desire to improve not just athletic recovery, but also your daily vitality. In our eyes, recovery is the most significant component to consistent performance and remaining injury free.

Our goal is to improve the lives of those who want to stay on top of their daily vitality and take their performance to the next level. We continue to study and conduct research in support of athletic excellence.

The Resync Company stands for quality of the highest integrity. We are careful in who we select to be part of our journey. We select only those of the finest character and principles, who make their first priority the care and support of those who are on a journey to enhanced health and performance.

In order to achieve this, our founder, Barbara Depta, knew she needed to build strong relationships with people who believe in her vision. These relationships would be essential to creating something valuable. She wanted people she could connect with on a deep and honest level, so she could pose valuable questions and get authentic answers on scientific and athletic issues. This would provide undeniably promising data which could be used to formulate extraordinary products.

While there is plenty of misleading information out there, for us at Resync, there is no place for mediocrity or so-called “alternative facts.”
At Resync, we dedicate our time and passion to accurate data which supports our ethics. This allows us to create undeniably extraordinary products that promote health and performance.

The fast and remarkable progress we’ve made in research and with our products, has been as remarkable and fast as the progress we hope to see in our costumers energy and athletic recoveries.

The outstanding backgrounds and experience we bring, as a team, to Resync is beyond exciting. We stand for something extraordinary.

Barbara often says, “Twenty years ago, when I was an athlete, I wish I knew what I know now.” Today, she uses her knowledge to help elite athletes who want to step up and improve their performance, regardless of their sport, age or background.

Barbara has been receiving incredible support from coaches and athletes in her professional journey. Now she cannot wait to give back to the community that has stood behind her. As a coach, her dream was always to create a clean, nutritional product line that would support energy and athlete’s recovery to help them to maintain health, on and off the field.

If top professional athletes believe in us, the only question we have is, why wouldn’t you? Don’t wait. Become part of our healthy and happy team.

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