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Ready To Resync?

  • Barbara Depta
Resync RTD: the healthiest sparkling drink in the world, good for your heart, immunes system, and energy


Are you ready for the biggest beverage revolution to hit the market in the 21st century? 

Are you ready to forget the fatigue and do whatever your heart desires with a single, easy-to-grab, and even easier-to-drink carbonated heart-healthy beverage?

Resync Ready to Drink (RTD) Beverage is the science-backed refreshment for heart, gut, and immune health designed with you in mind. It’s the natural plant-based energy that you’ve been waiting for.

You have never seen a drink like this. 

During the holiday season, stress, travel, and the common cold and flu are all up in the air. Healthy doesn’t have to taste awful, and it doesn’t need to be hard to get and time-consuming either. Health on the go is in your hands with the Resync Beverage!

Time For A Revolution In The Beverage Industry!

Resync Products Cardiovascular heart healthy sparkling beverage immune boost nitrate red spinach beetroot aronia beta glucan fiber

Soda, pop, fruit juices, flavored waters, and other “refreshments” are designed to generate profit: more sugar doesn’t mean quality, it means more people get hooked on it, and that means more profits. 

There’s hardly a drink on the supermarket shelves not owned by a multinational corporation designed to pack in the sugar to fuel their profits at your expense.  

In the era of Big Beverage, it has become normal to sacrifice tomorrow’s well-being for today’s pleasure.  And even if there is no sugar, there are tons of hidden sweeteners and additional stimulants that our bodies just cannot take anymore. 

That really gets under our skin here at Resync.  We take pride in helping people live healthier lives.

Ever since the Coronavirus pandemic rocked our world and irrevocably changed our everyday lives, Resync has been working on ways to disrupt this industry with your health at the center of our business strategy. 

First among our efforts has been finding a way to help you choose heart health and better immunity without sacrificing the things you enjoy in life. When medical professionals were working on a treatment for Covid-19 (one of which involves nitric oxide), we worked on a grab-and-go plant based energy drink to keep you simply healthy and happy.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so the saying goes, and healthy nitric oxide levels in your body are associated with lower rates of all types of heart issues.

Our natural nitrate plant based blend of red spinach, aronia berry, and beetroot extracts proved to be the perfect blend for supporting professional athletes and cardiac rehab patients alike

But, we didn’t just “drag and drop” those same ingredients into a carbonated, ready to refresh drink, and call it a day. 

No way we would just stop there! We added vitamin C, polyphenol antioxidants, two types of fiber (inulin and beta-glucan), plus clinically-researched, standardized, quality-certified botanicals to give you a needed boost for your overall health and energy.

The big beverage industry has coerced the U.S. and the world into a toxic daily routine involving extraordinary levels of sugar for over a hundred years, in part providing the conditions for a pandemic to burn a path across the world.

Resync created a wholly new health drink without precedent and without parallel. 

Which are you going to reach for?

Resync Your Health With Resync Products

Resync Recovery Resync Ready to Drink aronia buckthorn nitrates nitric oxide red spinach beetroot beta glucan fiber vitamin C

Take back your health and put your money where your health is. Here’s a few ideas we’ve curated for you: 

  • We’ve examined the research that supports Resync Collagen and Resync Recovery to give you the best information to make an informed purchasing decision. Our website is full of myth-busting resources on what makes the right product and what reasons you might consider one. See why Resync could be what you need to help you close the gap between tired and ready to go!
  • We wrote an ebook based on the science of supporting the health of every layer of your body. It's part cookbook, part-research review that looks at food combinations to decrease inflammation, bolster physical and mental performance, and improve health daily by improving your sleep and recovery with what you eat. 
Check it out here: 
  • And then there’s Resync Beverage, the newest product in our line that puts you and your well-being at center stage, available now. Read on for more!

Resync Beverage: Drinking to Your Heart Health

This holiday season, extend that yuletide spirit to loving and caring for your body. We are here to help you feel your best!

Actually, let’s not just take a step forward, let’s revolutionize. The Resync Beverage is the first-of-its-kind sparkling heart-healthy plant-based energy drink that leaves you feeling ready to go, not ready to crash. It’s a luscious experience to drink, and an invigorating experience to feel. 

We want to help you eat and drink less sugar by giving you a delicious sparkling alternative that supports your heart, naturally energizes your body, and promotes immune health in a way no other drink ever has. 


Resync RTD vitamin C immune health heart health healthy energy drink sea buckthorn aronia red spinach beta glucan fiber gut health

What makes this a landmark entree in the beverage industry and into your heart?

  • Natural nitrates extracted from red spinach, red beetroot, and aronia berry open up your blood veins, which may allow nutrients to get to where they need to while promoting a healthy heart (check out our study here!).
Ample research backs up the blood pressure-lowering and heart health-boosting properties of natural nitrates, just check out our evidence-based articles on this below. 
Other nitrate benefits include improving physical endurance, enhancing mitochondrial energy, making workouts easier without sacrificing your gains, speeding up your recovery, and even improving your response time. And the beauty about a carbonated drink like this after exercise is that you can avoid the bone-mineral-reducing effect of conventional soft drinks like cola
Golf, swimming, skiing, tennis, running, you name it: try Resync to uncover the advantage you're giving up without it! 
Outside of the energy-enhancing performance-boosting properties, nitric oxide is a critical molecule for your immune system as well. Not only has research shown that a daily nitrate supplement can decrease stress and improve resilience to the common cold, but there are dozens of pathways by which nitric-oxide boosting nitrates can provide the immune advantage you need this holiday season!
 And if you want to eat to support your nitric oxide, you’ll like this! 
  • Three types of fiber ー inulin, micronized aronia fiber, and beta-glucan ー provide a total of 6 grams dietary fiber. That’s nearly one fourth (24%) of the USDA’s recommended daily intake!
Dietary fiber is also a heart healthy way to lower LDL cholesterol when combined with a healthy lifestyle.
The importance of two different sources of fiber should not be understated. Taking your daily fiber is a step in the right direction, but just like a more diverse microbiome equates with better health, a range of fiber for your gut bacteria can lead to a richer diversity of microbiome benefits.
Gut health, heart health, and anti-inflammatory benefits are just the 3 main reasons why you should factor in the fiber content. If you’re curious about more, we take a deep dive in this article: Resync Your Gut.
  • Sea buckthorn extract has good evidence for heart health benefits thanks to its wealth of bioactive carotenoids, flavonoids, and vitamins.  Researchers suggest it may be useful for managing inflammation. We’re confident that more research on this marine bioactive will continue to reveal a sea of healthy potential!
  • Rosehip juice extract may reduce cholesterol and inflammation in the blood, according to one study that also established its effect on heart health.

Plus, we know now that rosehip juice extract may reduce osteoarthritic pain by reducing inflammatory activity that damages joints (and blood vessels) thanks to a recent analysis of rigorous research.

  • Vitamin C is well-known for improving symptoms of the common cold, but did you know that it can also provide a fundamental antioxidant in the fight against damaging cholesterol, according to researchers?

Check out our article on Vitamin C to learn about the right dose, the right timing, and the right way to take vitamin C to protect your immune system.

  • 235mg of potassium works to help take the strain off your blood vessels by fighting against sodium. Knowing that potassium is one of the most commonly deficient nutrients, it’s all the more important to pay attention to your levels!
  • Carbonation pleasantly brings out the natural flavors and is traditionally used to settle an overactive stomach. And like I mentioned above, choosing an alternative to the typical sugar- and phosphorous-filled carbonated drinks can bring additional value for your bone health. 

Now it’s one thing to list off what research supports the beneficial ingredients we’ve packed into one slim can, but why would you want to take all of these ingredients and pack them into this one can?

Many of these ingredients synergize together to give you benefits beyond just the properties of individual ingredients. 

For example:

  • Polyphenols have been shown to synergize with natural nitrates to lower inflammation and promote heart health.
  • Inulin, fiber, and beta-glucan all promote heart health in a complteely different way than polyphenols, rosehip juice extract, and vitamin C.
  • Vitamin C and natural nitrates can both improve recovery times after exercise, and the unique polyphenols from sea buckthorn extract adds on another layer of connective tissue protection.

Even that is only half the picture though.

What really matters is what Resync can do for you, how Resync makes you feel. 

Are you tired of being pushed around by a body and a mind enfeebled by the stresses of modern day society? 

Take your health, take your feelings, and take your life into your own hands with every decision. Don’t settle for a drink that’s meant to break you down, use Resync Beverage to boost you up!

Grab your health and go forward with your day knowing you’re doing the best thing possible for your heart health and immune system. If you’re wondering “is there a plant based energy drink that is good for you?”, well, we have your answer!

There is no better time than now to ditch the typical “energy drinks”, say no to the sugar, stimulates, and the additives, and stick with ingredients that are proven to enhance your energy at the cellular level. I’m talking about science-based strategies to save your immune system and improve your mitochondria, recover your body and set yourself up for resilience in 2021.

Elevate your health with plant based natural nitric oxide blend and phenolic antioxidants. 

Researchers have known it for years, some clinics like Austin Heart get it as well, and our society is aching for a tasty, hydrating, healthy drink, but it’s not until now that a sparkling heart healthy drink that harnesses nitric oxide is available. 

Easy, enjoyable, healthy. 

A convenient functional food like nothing this world has seen. Add variety to your life, add value to your health and try Resync Beverage today!

We are already making waves in the supplement industry for an unwavering adherence to quality, transparency, science and safety. But now with a sparkling beverage this good, we are set to disrupt a multi-billion dollar industry and support your heart health. 

We are poised to take back our health one sip at a time. 

Are you with us?

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Want the practical details on how to eat and supplement to support your exercise, heart health, beauty, and energy? Subscribe to our feed and never miss our best content! If you want more, leave a comment or question below and we’ll get back to you! 

While other companies try to sell you through clickbait and fake news, we back up what we say with hard data. We believe that when you have the right information, you are empowered to make the best decision possible. That’s why we break down complex science into practical takeaways you can use today. 

If there’s something you want to know more about, let us know by contacting us or getting in touch on social media!

Wishing you the best in your health,

The Resync Team


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Moser, Melissa A, and Ock K Chun. “Vitamin C and Heart Health: A Review Based on Findings from Epidemiologic Studies.” International journal of molecular sciences vol. 17,8 1328. 12 Aug. 2016, doi:10.3390/ijms17081328

Tucker, Katherine L et al. “Colas, but not other carbonated beverages, are associated with low bone mineral density in older women: The Framingham Osteoporosis Study.” The American journal of clinical nutrition vol. 84,4 (2006): 936-42. doi:10.1093/ajcn/84.4.936

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Written by Barbara Depta and registered dietitian, Detrick Snyder, MPH, RDN. Updated on 05/19/2021.


This content is for general informational purposes only, and does not constitute the practice of any professional healthcare service, INCLUDING the giving of medical advice. No provider-patient relationship is formed. The use of this information, and the materials linked to this content is at the user's own risk. This content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should abide by the advice of their healthcare provider, and should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have.

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