Why Red Spinach, Aronia Berry, And Red Beets Are Your Best Bet for Daily Nitric Oxide Support.
Author: Barbara Depta
Why Red Spinach, Aronia Berry, And Red Beets Are Your Best Bet For Daily Nitric Oxide Support
When you ask any medical or wellness expert about the molecule nitric oxide (NO), they would say that for the right reasons, it has gained significant attention, especially post-COVID, for its impact on cardiovascular health, muscle and fascia function, and even cognitive abilities.
While you might find synthetic nitric oxide booster supplements touting nitric oxide benefits, Mother Nature has given us some potent red foods that can boost nitric oxide levels naturally. People talk a lot about green-leafy vegetables being the best sources of nitric oxide support. The truth is that the Reds are far better. Among the best are red spinach, Aronia berry, and red beets, exceptional choices to naturally support nitric oxide.
This article will delve into the details and the unique properties that make these Reds top contenders for enhancing nitric oxide in the body.
The Importance of Nitric Oxide
Before we explore these red superfoods, it's essential to understand why nitric oxide is vital for our well-being. We have presented many blogs on that subject. Here are just few:
- Nitric Oxide - Where Sex and Heart Health Meet
- Think You Have The Best Nitric Oxide Supplement?
- Think You Have The Best Nitric Oxide Supplement? (Part 2)
For the purpose of this blog, let me briefly share that nitric oxide is a gas molecule that plays a crucial role in various daily physiological processes, including:
- Vasodilation: Nitric oxide expands your blood vessels, enhancing blood flow and reducing blood pressure. That is why many cardiovascular doctors tell their patients to incorporate reds like red spinach, Aronia Berries, and red beets into their daily diet.
- Cell Communication: Nitric oxide acts as a signaling molecule between cells, aiding in various functions like immune response.
- Neurotransmission: In the brain, nitric oxide helps with memory and learning processes. Recent science from the UK tells us that nitric oxide may impact the speed of our reaction time, which is essential for any athlete and general population in daily life.
- Muscle & Fascia Function: We cannot talk about muscles without fascia. Fascia surrounds every muscle, allowing it to glide in between each other, contract, and relax. Fascia likes nitric oxide since it supports efficient nutrient and oxygen delivery to muscles, thus improving athletic performance and recovery of the muscle unit and soft tissues around it.
Understanding nitric oxide's role can give you a better idea of why it's crucial to incorporate Reds like red spinach, Aronia Berries, and red beets in your diet and naturally boost nitric oxide.
Why Natural Foods?
While synthetic nitric oxide supplements are abundant in the market, they may come with potential side effects due to their chemical compounds and a hefty price tag.
They also do not offer additional benefits, such as vitamins, minerals, and other phytonutrients, like the natural sources of red fruits and vegetables do, which are crucial for our mitochondria and overall cardiovascular health, not just nitric oxide levels.
Additionally, you never know what nitrate level the synthetic compounds are standardized to, which is critical to understanding your dose value. Not only that, most nitric oxide boosters on the market are not tested post-production, meaning you do not know what's inside the products. You might be paying top dollar for something that experts in the industry did not evaluate. And it may not have the quality and quantity of the ingredients the bottle says it does.
Nitric Oxide Buying Guide
Check below why testing your supplements is essential and why it is a priority for Resync.
The Power of Red Beets
Red beets are deep-rooted vegetables rich in antioxidants like betalains, providing red pigment and protecting cells from oxidative damage. They also are a source of plant-based nitrates, the precursors for nitric oxide. This dual action of nitrates and antioxidants makes red beets a good holistic natural choice to support nitric oxide.
When you chew beets in your mouth, the bacteria from your saliva converts the nitrate to nitrite and then nitric oxide. Your oral bacteria, as do other aspects of your daily hygiene, play an essential role in how high your nitric oxide levels are.
However, red beets do not have the highest nitrate content in the red vegetable family. People buy red beets, beet juice, beet concentrate, and beet powders to boost their nitric oxide, as beets are very inexpensive compared to red spinach or Aronia berries, which are typically 10-30 more expensive than beets.
Because red beets are so inexpensive, universities chose them as the main product for nitric oxide research. Yet recently, studies show that in most cases, the tested subjects had to drink liters of beet juice to get the desired results (super high in sugar), or the beet powders were mixed with synthetic nitrates to standardize the nitrate levels to enhance nitric oxide levels.
Here is a great blog we wrote about Red Beets - The Good And Not So Good About Red Beets.

The Red Spinach Extract Revelation - 5x More Nitrates Than Red Beets
If you're not a fan of beet taste, we have great news: red spinach is a fantastic and much more powerful alternative.
Red spinach has the highest concentration of nitrates from all vegetables and extracts of vegetables on the market.
This means you don't have to consume as much red beets to receive the benefits. The red spinach leaves are rich in other essential nutrients, like iron, folate, and vitamin C, that enhance the effectiveness of nitrates.
Red Spinach Leaves - High Nitrate Concentration
While other leafy vegetables like arugula or Swiss chard contain nitrates, the concentration in red spinach is significantly higher in them and red spinach.
In 2015, I learned about red spinach in Geneva during a conference. I had the opportunity to meet the team from India who created the water-soluble red spinach extract, Oxystorm, from the red spinach leaves.
I was amazed by the presentation on nitric oxide production from nitrates, where they compared red spinach extract to beetroot extract.The math was straightforward: red spinach extract has ~5x higher nitrate content than a typical red beet.

I loved the research, as I was researching how I could help professional athletes recover faster with plant-based ingredients.
After further research, a few years later, in 2017, I created Resync Recovery, the plant-based nitric oxide booster used by professional athletes across all professional leagues, especially for their recovery.Yet, I wanted a more balanced product that would provide additional antioxidants and microcirculation benefits. That's why I added Aronia Berry, Mother's Nature's top antioxidant in nature.

The Aronia Berry Disadvantage
Aronia berries, also known as chokeberries, are not sweet like most berries. They are actually very tart. I believe that is the main reason why they are not as popular as other berries, but because they are packed with polyphenols and support nitric oxide production, I made Aronia a fundamental part of every Resync product.
I like to remind athletes that sugar is the number one contributor to their soft tissue injuries. Aronia, conversely, not only contributes to nitric oxide benefits but also addresses inflammation. Check one of the newest studies on Aronia and inflammation here.
Aronia Berries: The Hidden Gem of Red Superfoods
Let's get a bit scientifically detailed on why this berry is powerful and why Resync uses the highest standardized Aronia extract in all Resync products.
Aronia arbutifolia (red chokeberry) and Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry) are two species of this plant that have attracted attention due to their rich anthocyanin content.
Cyanidin arabinoside and cyanidin galactoside are the two predominant anthocyanins. The health benefits of chokeberry have been evaluated in many clinical studies, mainly for its help controlling oxidative stress.
The first study found reduced oxidative markers (antibodies to oxidized lipoproteins) in semen when anthocyanins were given to 38 males with oligospermia.
Another trial found a reduction in oxidative markers after administering chokeberry juice (23 mg anthocyanins/100 mL) to athletes after strenuous exercise and after a 24-hour recovery period.
Other trials have looked at oxidative stress and related health issues. In a three-month trial, researchers found that 7 oz/d of chokeberry juice could reduce glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus.
Heart health was the focus of another trial, in which researchers evaluated the impact of chokeberry extract (255 mg/d) in capsules for cardiovascular support by reducing several cardiovascular risk markers under stress conditions such as myocardial infarction.
The Comparative Edge & Consistency in Plant-Based Nitrates
While other vegetables contain nitrates, the levels can significantly vary

Red beets, red spinach, and Aronia berries provide a consistent, high level of nitrates and other significant supporting nutrients.
Broad-Spectrum Benefits
Besides boosting nitric oxide, these red foods offer many other health benefits, making them a valuable addition to your daily diet.
I understand that consuming pounds of tart berries, earthy beets, and bitter red spinach is difficult and expensive. That is why we created convenient Resync products to help you reach your health and performance goals.

In the quest for natural ways to enhance nitric oxide levels in the body, red beets, red spinach, and Aronia berries offer a nutritional richness that is lacking in synthetic nitric oxide supplements. These reds' unique composition makes them excellent choices for anyone looking to improve their nitric oxide levels and, consequently, their overall well-being.
Incorporating these red superfoods into your daily diet can be a game-changer. Whether you're an athlete aiming for better performance or seeking improved recovery from stressful and busy days, these red foods should be on your shopping list - your body will thank you!
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The Resync Team
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