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Peak Performance & Optimized Recovery with Resync

  • Barbara Depta
Peak Performance & Optimized Recovery with Resync


Optimize your performance and facilitate your recovery by working with a physical therapist, #ChoosePT!  As part of National Physical Therapy Month, we’re giving you the deliverables to enhance your recovery by giving your body what it needs to stay at peak performance: collagen, antioxidants, and natural nitrates.

Optimize Sports Recovery, Perform at You Peak

Recovery might be the least glamorous and most neglected aspect of a training regimen. You hear about the latest high-impact workout, the diet trends that go up and down, the gear to help you perform your best, but nobody really wants to hear about how they should be taking a break and resting.

Recovery isn’t all about lounging and netflix though. You can take an active role in your recovery by supporting your body’s natural processes with the right nutrition.  In fact, getting the right nutrients to the right places at the right time may be the biggest thing you can do for your recovery besides stretching!

What are the “right” nutrients?

  • Getting adequate protein is foremost.  A quality protein source high in arginine and branch-chain amino acids is one key element (whey is the go to, but other protein in the form of food does just as well if not better).  
  • Ensuring enough of the right balance of electrolytes, potassium and sodium, is important (get your potassium in dried fruit and berries, as well as beets). 
  • So too it getting enough micronutrients, vitamins, and minerals to support high-energy processes and recovery (check out our blog post on enhancing glutathione here, and stay tuned for our ebook on collagen for optimizing performance).

Most people know these though.  Eating a healthy diet full of colorful veggies, whole grains, and high-quality protein sources (click here to learn more about that!) is pretty standard practice. 

So how can you take your game to the next level?

The answer: collagen peptides, targeted antioxidants, and supporting your nitric oxide-generating ability.

Collagen peptides not only support muscle growth and joint cartilage, but also strengthen your connective tissues and promote flexibility. They are perfect for supporting your performance and rejuvenation, they can reduce the risk of injuries, and they may accelerate the recovery process and prevent damage in the first place. We’ll tackle the research around those claims in just a minute.

Collagen works best when paired with vitamin C, the key to your body’s collagen-making machinery [Shaw et al. 2017]. Other antioxidants like the natural plant chemicals in aronia berry and red spinach extracts and red beet root fight inflammation and oxidation and promote vascular health, among other benefits. 

Besides antioxidants, this trio provides the highest concentrations of natural nitrates - which powerfully impact your cardiovascular health [Liddar & Webb 2015].  It’s hard to not want to try them when you see the benefits athletes are seeing with these kinds of natural inorganic nitrate supplements.

Combine collagen, powerful antioxidants, and clinically researched natural nitric oxide precursors, and you’ve got a unique combination to give your recovery and performance a unique edge. 

It’s hard to justify giving your body the time and nourishment needed to fully recover when things aren’t so bad and you need to up your game right now. But if you’ve ever been benched, you know that feeling of wishing you had tried harder to keep up your health. Resync is a tasty, easy, day-to-day routine that can help you recover your best.

We’ll explain how to optimize your recovery so that you can get back to doing what you do to get fit and stay healthy, ASAP. The highest-level athletes understand how to optimize their recovery cycles, do you?

The Science Of Supplementing With Collagen For Recovery

Taking a hint from decades of research on treating osteoarthritis [Garcia-Coronado et al., 2019], and a history of use in speeding surgical recovery [Gans et al 1977], athletics researchers are increasingly certain that collagen peptides can be used to speed up the recovery process in active people. 

Few companies spend the money on clinical trials to test the quality of their ingredients, which is why we’re so invested in showing you the results from the clinical trials done with our product. 

Other brands might cobble together a look-alike product to ride on the successes of others, but at Resync we believe in using only the ingredients that have clinical data in human beings to support their efficacy. 

The collagen in our product, Peptan, has been tested with outstanding success by university and product specialist researchers. Now let’s look at the international research that informs our conclusions.

A recent study performed at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom is the first to shed light on the specific role collagen peptides have in sports recovery [Clifford et al., 2019]. Let’s walk through how they put the collagen peptides in Resync Your Joints to the test.

The study was just about the best quality study possible. It was a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial involving 24 active young men that tested 20 grams Peptan against a placebo taken in two servings. 

The people in the study had 10 grams of collagen or maltodextrin in the morning and 10 grams of the same in the evening for a total of 9 days. Participants took their assigned supplements for 7 days so it had a chance to take effect and then they had a workout session of 150 drop jumps (ouch!) on day 7. If you’ve done these before, you know it’s an intense exercise that causes significant muscle damage and results in major gains in total ability - once you recover from being so sore! 

Performance (measured as a maximum jump height) and muscle soreness were taken at baseline (7th day of supplementing), just before the exercise (pre-exercise) and right after (post-exercise), as well as 24 hours and 48 hours after the session.

Can you guess what the differences were? You might think: more pain, more game, right? Maybe it’s time to bench that saying because the results point to a new paradigm: “Better recovery, better performance”.

Take a look at the data yourself. Here’s figure 2a figure taken from a press release of the study. This shows the difference in muscle soreness between people taking collagen and those taking the inactive supplement. 


And here’s a look at the difference in performance between the two groups over time.


You can clearly see the benefits. We were pretty excited to see the study results confirm our real-world experience. 

Performance was pretty much the same while the participants were just going through their day-to-day activities. But when the recovery process was triggered after an intense workout, the collagen used in Resync clearly allowed the participants to get back their performance sooner and with less pain. 

Since collagen is a key component that wraps muscle fibers in a functional, protective sheath, supplementation might either prevent damage or allow muscles to repair more quickly. Either way, these results show a dramatic pain-killing and anti-inflammatory effect. 

Ever heard of delayed onset muscle soreness - that soreness that keeps on giving 3-days after a particularly intense workout? Well, more pain isn’t more gain. If I take Resync and I’m able to get back to squatting my max while you can still hardly sit in a chair, who’s on track to win the next comp? Try it and you’ll see the difference.

Another recent Rousselot study looked at recovering from exercise using the collagen in Resync used 15 grams of collagen peptides per day in orange juice for 24 weeks [Peptan, 2019a]. The results haven’t been published yet, but preliminary data has been released. 

The results show a slight decrease in joint pain, especially in the knees, but also in the arms, shoulders, and hands during and after physical activity. The people in the study even reported just generally feeling better in the quality of life questionnaire. 

These findings align with the benefits seen in other research: supplementing with the collagen peptides in Resync can offer benefits in injury prevention, tissue repair, and muscle recovery. Resync itself provides 100% of your daily vitamin C needs from aronia berry, so skip the sugar and try the mouth-watering passion fruit flavor of Resync in water to see these benefits. 

The benefits of taking a collagen supplement are so clear that the International Olympic Committee pointed to hydrolyzed collagen peptides as a beneficial sports supplement with enough data to back them up. Based on an in-depth review of the scientific literature, the International Olympic Committee suggests that hydrolyzed collagen may increase collagen production and decrease joint pain [Maughan et al., 2018].

The collagen used in Resync clearly allows physically active people to get back their maximum performance sooner, and with less pain.

Clifford et al., 2019

The studies we just covered are on the cutting edge of nutrition science, using the most rigorous study design science has to offer, using the exact same premium-quality collagen in Resync’s formulation. You can’t get better confirmation than that!

The conclusions from these international efforts are that Resync’s collagen helps accelerate recovery from muscle damage after exercise

Across a spectrum of uses, from preventing injuries to improving connective tissue health to reducing pain, there is ample clinical research to support the regular use of collagen. 

The research backs up our motto: “An under recovered athlete becomes an injured athlete™”, so stop falling to your weaknesses and try Resync to rise to your potential.

The International Olympic Committee suggests that 10mg of hydrolyzed collagen with 50 mg of vitamin C daily may be a low risk way to increase collagen production and decrease joint pain in athletes.

Maughan et al. 2018

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While some companies try to sell their stuff with clickbait and fake news, we make sure you have the research that backs up our claims. We believe that if you have the right information, you’ll be empowered to make the best decision for yourself. That’s why we break down the complex science of nutrition and supplements into practical takeaways you can incorporate into your life today. 

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Works Cited

Clifford, Tom, et al. “The Effects of Collagen Peptides on Muscle Damage, Inflammation and Bone Turnover Following Exercise: a Randomized, Controlled Trial.” Amino Acids, vol. 51, no. 4, 2019, pp. 691–704., doi:10.1007/s00726-019-02706-5.

Gans, Arnold M., et al. Method of Providing High-Protein Nutrition by the Oral Administration of a Predigested Protein Composition. US4042688A, 16 Aug. 1977,

García-Coronado, Juan Mario, et al. “Effect of Collagen Supplementation on Osteoarthritis Symptoms: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials.” International Orthopaedics, vol. 43, no. 3, Mar. 2019, pp. 531–38. Springer Link, doi:10.1007/s00264-018-4211-5.

Lidder, Satnam, and Andrew J. Webb. “Vascular Effects of Dietary Nitrate (as Found in Green Leafy Vegetables and Beetroot) via the Nitrate‐nitrite‐nitric Oxide Pathway.” British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, vol. 75, no. 3, Mar. 2013, pp. 677–96. PubMed Central, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04420.x.

Maughan, Ronald J., et al. “IOC Consensus Statement: Dietary Supplements and the High-Performance Athlete.” British Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 52, no. 7, Apr. 2018, pp. 439–55., doi:10.1136/bjsports-2018-099027.

Peptan. Whitepaper: Growing Fitter Stronger and Healthier, Opportunities in Sports Nutrition and Recovery. Rousselot B.V. 2019a.

Shaw G, Lee-Barthel A, Ross ML, Wang B, Baar K. Vitamin C-enriched gelatin supplementation before intermittent activity augments collagen synthesis. Am J Clin Nutr 2017; 105(1): 136-143.  

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